
The Austrian Interdisciplinary Platform on Ageing (ÖPIA) is the coordinating institute. A team of ÖPIA is working on all kinds of EXPLOORE activities.

The platform was founded in 2009 by leading Austrian scientists from various disciplines, who deal with questions of ageing and future perspectives in times of demographic ageing.

Since 2016, ÖPIA has been coordinating the national “Network on Ageing” (Netzwerk Altern) on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF).

ÖPIA is an independent non-profit, non-partisan organization. Its objective is to enable contact and interdisciplinary collaboration at the national level as well as scientific networking at the international level. By organizing a variety of initiatives and activities, ÖPIA fosters communication and facilitates knowledge transfer between scientists, politicians and the general public. It deals with questions relevant to society, affecting all social classes and generations in times of demographic change.