Wave 1: 2017/2018
Wave 2: 2019/2020
Wave 1: 1.863
Wave 2:v 912 (panel interviews before pandemic)
+ 753 (face-to-face interviews from additional base sample, before pandemic)
+ approx. 220 (paper-pencil interviews from additional base sample during pandemic, fieldwork ends March 2021)
90-minute standardized face-to-face self-or proxy interview (pre-pandemic),
paper-pencil questionnaire and telephone interview (during pandemic for rest of wave 2 base sample)
Cognitive and physical performance tests, standardized questionnaires
Quality of life
Successful life conduct
Lifestyle and social relations
Values and attitudes
Life history
Material status
Representative Survey NRW, comprehensive QoL assessment, trend study (repeated cross-sectional),
predictors of Qol (longitudinal)
Social Sciences (Sociology, Psychology, Medicine, Gerontology)
ceres – Cologne Center for Ethics, Rights, Economics, and Social Sciences of Health
Universitätsstr. 91
50931 Köln
Dr. Roman Kaspar
+49 (0)221 470-89121
Zank, Susanne, Woopen, Christiane, Wagner, Michael, Rietz, Christian, & Kaspar, Roman (2020). Lebensqualität und Wohlbefinden hochaltriger Menschen in NRW (Repräsentativbefragung NRW80+). GESIS Datenarchiv, Köln. ZA7558 Datenfile Version 1.0.0, https://doi.org/10.4232/1.13527.