The European Expert Platform on Oldest Old Research across Europe has been initiated within the Joint Programming Initiative “More Years Better Lives” and was founded in 2020. It brings together scientists from all over Europe and beyond and has the general aim to link European research on oldest old for the purpose of better exchange and mutual information between researchers in the field.
More specifically the following four central objectives can be described:
1. Objectives: Mapping, access and overview
To provide all members and other interested persons (scientists, decision- and policy- makers) a systematic overview on and possible access to existing and ongoing Europe research on the oldest old population (respective public reports, papers, data sets, websites etc.).
For this purpose EXPLOORE set up a website with internal and public sections that provides a mapping of all reported studies and research activities as well as a collection of all related documents and links. This overview also allows to structure European studies according to focus of research work, defined target group, applied methodology and available data sets and other products. This helps to identify overlaps as well as blind spots in the European landscape of research on the oldest old.
2. Alignment of certain research instruments
To foster the alignment and better coordination of applied research instruments across Europe (format of questionnaires, used assessment instruments such as frailty indices, assessments concerning mobility, nutrition, cognitive status, socio-economic situation etc.). The alignment of the most frequently used research instruments shall allow for a better comparability of data sets and, thus, strengthen the cooperation between European studies.
3. Provision and mutual exchange of results and data
To establish agreements concerning the provision, exchange, storage and publication of research results and to work on the comparability and accessibility of datasets. This also includes the coordination with national and international data pooling services and respective regulations.
4. Pooled forces for a stronger voice and better visibility
To foster coordinated and jointly published statements, policy briefs, papers, recommendations or public requests by the European research community on the oldest old. This shall also include joint initiatives and presentations at scientific congresses or similar events.