4 Waves: 1998-2005
Wave 1: 1998
Wave 2: 2000
Wave 3: 2003
Wave 4: 2005
Wave 1: 2.262 (1.653 with biological samples)
Wave 2: 1.086
Wave 3: 437
Wave 4: 256
Quantitative, interview, Proxy information, population-based registers
Longitudinal (W1-3) and Cross-sectional (W4)
The first wave took place in 1998 and participants were followed-up in 2000 and 2003.
In 2005 all the surviving birth cohort members were invited to participate irrespective of previous participation.
Cognitive and physical performance tests and collection of DNA
The data focus on elderly’s physical and cognitive functioning
The overall goal of the study was to establish a genetic-epidemiological database to shed light on the aging process among the extremely old
Prof. Kaare Christensen, MDSc
Nybo, H., Gaist, D., Jeune, B., Bathum, L., McGue, M., Vaupel, J.W., & Christensen, K. (2001). The Danish 1905 cohort: a genetic-epidemiological nationwide survey. Journal of Aging and Health, 13(1), 32-46.
Rasmussen, S.H., Andersen-Ranberg, K., Thinggaard, M., Jeune, B., Skytthe, A., Christiansen, L., Vaupel, J.W., McGue, M., Christensen, K. (2017). Cohort Profile: The 1895, 1905, 1910 and 1915 Danish Birth Cohort Studies – secular trends in the health and functioning of the very old. International Journal of Epidemiology, 46(6), 1746-1746j. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyx053. PMID: 28449061; PMCID: PMC5837237.