9 Waves: 1994-2004
Every 12 to 18 months,
interviews with a close-ended questionnaire (2.496); in-depth interviews (79)
340 (10 Waves: 1994-2004)
371 (5 Waves: 1999-2004)
80+ (at the baseline)
80+ (at the baseline)
Quantitative & qualitative: standardized questionnaires, in-depth interviews
Health, well-being, potentials, social network, activities
Reconstruction of the current architecture of the final stages of long lives, with their typical life events and transitions.
Identification of the environmental factors and processes affecting positively or negatively old people’s autonomy, physical and mental integrity, and participation in society.
Analyse the impact of life and health events on the individuals and, conversely, the way the elders, with their resources and in their social environment, react and try to regulate the disruptive events.
Social Science Social Psychology
Christian J. Lalive d’Epinay, Ph.D., Dr. h.c., honorary professor
Lalive d’Epinay, C., Guilley, E., Guillet, L. A., & Spini, D. (2008). The Swiss interdisciplinary longitudinal study on the oldest-old: design and population. The Closing Chapters of Long Lives. Results from the 10-Year Swilsoo Study on the Oldest Old, 9-26.